Lunedí 14 ottobre, 2024
Ferie secolare : Celebration of the cathedral in the centre of Mtskheta - one of the sacred places of Georgia, it was erected in the 11th c by the architect Arsukidze in the place where the first Christian church in Georgia stood in the 4th c. The robe of Jesus Christ is buried within the cathedral - Non believers are also celebrating Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday
Elezioni parlamentari
Sabato 26 ottobre, 2024
Eventi eccezionali :
Salone Internazionale delle attrezzature di elaborazione dei prodotti agricoli e alimentari e delle bevande
Mercoledí 13 novembre, 2024
Fiere commerciali : Lasts 4 days - in Tbilisi 2019 date confirmed
S. Giorgio
Sabato 23 novembre, 2024
Ferie secolare : Commemora il santo patrono della Georgia. Noto anche come Giorgoba.
Vacanze invernali (inizio)
Sabato 28 dicembre, 2024
Vacanze scolastiche :
Mercoledí 1 gennaio, 2025
Ferie secolare : The world's most widely celebrated holiday, New Years was set on January 1 by Julius Caesar because that was the date the Roman consuls took over their duties. Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday
2 Gennaio
Giovedí 2 gennaio, 2025
Ferie secolare :
Natale Cristiano Ortodosso
Martedí 7 gennaio, 2025
Ortodossa : The difference in Christmas celebrations stretches back to 1582, when Pope Gregory XIII ruled the Catholic Church should follow a new calendar called the Gregorian calendar, more in sync with the sun than the Julian calendar. The Julian calendar was established by Julius Caesar in 46 B.C.
Because it was the pope who ruled on it, many churches not in sync with the Vatican ignored it, Protestants and Eastern Orthodox among them. Protestants accepted the new calendar in the early 1700s.
In 1922, the patriarch of Constantinople decided to follow the new Gregorian calendar in observance of Christmas, but not for Easter. His lead was followed by many other Orthodox churches.
The only Orthodox churches that observe the Jan. 7 date are the Russian Orthodox Church, the Ukrainian churches, the Serbs and the Mt. Athos monks in Greece, work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.
Vacanze invernali (fine)
Mercoledí 15 gennaio, 2025
Vacanze scolastiche : Nformation provided by the Ministry of Education
PISA ranking (average 493): 411
Schooling in Georgia is mandatory till age 18
schools may remain open on Saturday
school uniforms not required
We carry confirmed dates till July 2025 Please note that authorities may take last-minute decisions; please double-check if this information is vital to you
Make a Paypal donation of euros 50 to
[email protected] to purchase the full calendar for 5 countries, including Georgian schools
[email protected] to purchase a file containing confirmed calendars of 550 countries and regions.
Epifania Ortodossa
Domenica 19 gennaio, 2025
Ortodossa : Una festa cristiana (dalla parola greca epihaneia che significa manifestazione o di apparire) commemorando la presentazione del bambino Gesù ai Magi, o tre saggi. Segna la fine dei dodici giorni di Natale ed è anche chiamato L'Adorazione dei Magi o La Manifestazione di Dio . Secondo la leggenda basata su una storia biblica, tre re (o saggi/magi), Caspar, Melchior e Balthasar videro una stella luminosa nella notte in cui Cristo nacque. Seguirono la stella fino a Betlemme dove trovarono il bambino Gesù e gli presentarono oro, incenso e mirra.