Giovedí 20 marzo, 2025
Zoroastriana : Zoroastrian New Year and celebration of Righteousness Divine Spirit Asha Vahishta, creator of fire. Feast of Ahura Mazda, Spring Equinox
Venerdí 21 marzo, 2025
Zoroastriana : no means new and rouz means day in Persian. Celebrates new year in Iran and various Central Asian countries (as well as among the Kurds). Considered as the beginning of the Baha'í year.
Venerdí 21 marzo, 2025
Zoroastriana : Il capodanno zoroastra del Naw Ruz e la celebrazione dello Spirito Divino della Rettitudine Asha Vahishta, creatore del fuoco. Festa di Ahura Mazda, Equinozio primaverile. Si scrive anche Newroz, Nauruz, Nauryz, Noe-Rooz, Nawroz, Norooz, Noruz, Novruz (in Azerbaigian e Turchia), Noh Ruz, Nauroz, Nav-roze, Navroz, Naw-Rúz, Nevruz, Sultan Nevruz, Наврӯз, Navruz, o Nowrouz [Wikipedia]
Sabato 22 marzo, 2025
Zoroastriana : Naw Ruz--Zoroastrian New Year and celebration of Righteousness Divine Spirit Asha Vahishta, creator of fire. Feast of Ahura Mazda, Spring Equinox
Domenica 23 marzo, 2025
Zoroastriana :
Domenica 23 marzo, 2025
Zoroastriana : no means new and rouz means day in Persian. Celebrates new year in Iran and various Central Asian countries (as well as among the Kurds). Considered as the beginning of the Baha'í year. Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday
Lunedí 24 marzo, 2025
Zoroastriana : Naw Ruz--Zoroastrian New Year and celebration of Righteousness Divine Spirit Asha Vahishta, creator of fire. Feast of Ahura Mazda, Spring Equinox
Martedí 25 marzo, 2025
Zoroastriana : Naw Ruz--Zoroastrian New Year and celebration of Righteousness Divine Spirit Asha Vahishta, creator of fire. Feast of Ahura Mazda, Spring Equinox
Mercoledí 26 marzo, 2025
Zoroastriana : no significa nuovo e rouz significa giorno in persiano. Festeggia il nuovo anno in Iran e in vari paesi dell'Asia centrale (così come tra i curdi). Considerato come l'inizio dell'anno Baha'i. Vacanza retribuita quando si cade il sabato o la domenica
Giorno festivo regionale
Domenica 30 marzo, 2025
Zoroastriana : Santiago de los Caballeros Day in Santiago de los Caballeros only